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How do I talk about the Cat Emoji on Linkedin?

I’m sharing this with you because maybe YOU have topics that feel edgy to talk about or write about,

but you know your soul is calling you to figure out HOW to do it.

You have something to say as a leader, that’s not fully comfortable.

I want to open the curtains so you can see behind the scenes and learn from my process as I do the same thing.

Thank you everybody for the support of the fundraiser that I announced in my post last week. 

It’s such a difficult topic: FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) for girls.

Yeah, it’s not super fun and it rattles a lot of taboos to talk about it. 😻😻

But if people don’t talk about it, it’ll probably just continue to be a reality for many, many girls.

Out of sight, out of mind…has worked WHEN?

My heart goes to girls around this great Earth who are struggling.

It can be hard as an observer in another country since I only have so much control and so much I can personally contribute.


my heart is big enough and strong enough

to survive the bruising that comes

from caring in a big way.

And so is yours.

That’s why I’m open to taking the risk to talk about it.

I appreciate any support, financial donations but also even just emotional solidarity,

as it really helps me feel like I have sisters and brothers on this path who care about women’s rights even in far off countries.

Thanks you so much for all the good vibes you’ve been sending my way.

We have some great stuff cooking as a result of your support.

This week we got word from Ginny Robertson that we can run a full page ad for the nonprofit in her magazine On Purpose Woman as her gift to the cause.

BTW She and I had a great talk on video,

about “Is writing in the first person is dead?” See the video here

I’ve also found a possible long term funding source for the nonprofit and am working on a grant application.

I appreciate all kinds of ideas including “funding and spreading the word” ideas!!

Do you have any of those? Hit reply and let me know.

OK so…….. what’s this about 😻 (the cat emoji) + Linked in??!

Last week, an amazing supportive gal told me she loved my email and asked me if she could help spread the word about the fundraiser.

She is active on Linkedin and wanted to share there, but my post there didn’t have all the same information written out (as the email).

She said if I wanted to put more details in a post on Linkedin, she’d be happy to share it.

And then I started scratching my head on how to do that,

and I couldn’t figure out why it was so hard….

finally I put the problem into words as:

“How the f do I talk about pussies on Linkedin?” 😻😻

>My first feeling was to laugh out loud,

because it’s such a ridiculous combination of things.<

Linkedin is basically the patriarchy’s home ground, right?

And some people cannot handle hearing about 😻 problems.

Many years ago, I testified in the Maryland State house about decriminalizing cannabis for 😻 women’s problems,

after I used cannabis to help with the excruciating pain from getting an IUD.

(I don’t regret getting it, but advil does not make the cut for after-care.)

I remember the cringe on a young state congress person’s face as I shared my statement at the podium.

My sentence began, “I felt deep pain in my….”

Then he winced like I was about to punch him!!!

He thought I was about about to finish my sentence to say 😻!!

I said, “…Pain in my core.”

Then he opened one eye and peered around in relief.

Yes, that really happened.

People are afraid of 😻

I wouldn’t normally talk like this as it sounds so vulgar…

But let’s deal with it.

It does actually matter.


Because I’d love to invite people like you to talk about ending 😻 FGM.

I would love us all to work together to help activists put on this amazing event. 

Now and not just next year or one day.

This is a real thing that we can do about 😻 FGM,

a problem that has continued for generations, and

it could change a girls life so she never, ever has to go through the pain of this in her lifetime,

for every intimate experience 😻 or childbirth she has.

It’s the most elegant event solution to 😻 FGM I’ve ever heard of, 

– using culture, art and words from scholars to change people’s minds, from the top down.

– dispelling the myths that make community leaders support it as a tradition.

– influencing leaders to see it differently and spread word to their audiences, and end FGM.



So people know about the fundraiser?

My first feeling is no.

The two things do not mix.

Let’s be honest:

Whenever anyone wants to talk about “Women’s empowerment” or “Women’s history month” or “Yay women’s rights”


Super VAGUE women’s empowerment stuff,

that’s all fine and dandy.

But don’t get too detailed about it.

To talk about what that specifically looks like in Sierra Leone,

😻 where not only do 80% of women there have already experienced FGM,

😻 but it’s the third highest maternal birth mortality rate in the world, and

😻 over 70% of girls under 16 have been sexually assaulted…

That’s a lot harder to talk about.

Even though talking about girls rights there is basically the SAME THING as women’s empowerment generally,

Mental wires cross when I try to post about 😻 FGM on Linkedin.

And that’s when I was able to consciously realize just how hard this really is to talk about 😻 FGM in a public sphere.

There’s a lot of reasons why 😻 FGM is an edgy subject.

I don’t think I need to list them.

But listen, I’m not done pushing forward on this topic, just because it’s edgy.

It’s not the first time I’ve battled the silence created by taboos.

See my previous example of speaking in the MD house about decriminalizing cannabis for medicinal purposes, as part of a fully successful movement that changed the law.

That’s just one example in my life and entrepreneurial journey.

In the face of feeling “not allowed” to tell my own story or thoughts, I’ve done so over and over again.

Often times it is a process.

What do I do with topics that make me uncomfortable?

Often, I need to go inwards and process it, or do so in small circles with safe people.

(Which is why I’m so passionate about creating safe spaces like the Summer Writing Group opening in May.)

It can take time, and work,

But eventually I can take that story into the world and speak through the silence.

I may not have FULLY cracked the code on how to talk about this devastating 😻 issue,

but I know it’s something I’m probably going to talk about for as long time.

As it takes for it to become a non-issue.

And that could be years.

This is by no means the only thing I’ll ever write to you about by email because I know you really want to hear about WRITING,

but if you stay forever, you’ll see this fight for girls rights with Her Future Foundation 😻 is a theme I’ll come back to once or twice a year.

The UN has set a goal of 2030 to end FGM.

Honestly, that may be over-optimistic with the way things are going, but like I say–every girl we are able to reach matters.

So eventually I will get there.

It’ll be more comfortable.

And that matters because:

Speaking past the taboos is how I let other girls know that their struggles are understood.

I care enough about their future to speak out.

To say that girls matter.

And do something about it.

That’s what is really important to me.

So I will keep winding my words, speaking through the silence,

using my writing as leadership to try and give more people information about 😻 FGM for girls in Sierra Leone

at least once-two times a year.

That’s how I let people know how they can help.

And Now it’s your turn.

But I’m sharing this with you because

maybe YOU have topics that feel edgy to talk about,

but you are being called to them.

When you know it’s your soul, listen to the call:


Learn from my process.

Yes, it can take time.

No, you just don’t have to post whatever your first thoughts and feelings are.

Following the call can take time.

I mulled on everything I sent you all and took that time.

Sometimes that is better.

See what I’m doing and know you can do it, too.

You and are aren’t so different. I’m not made of different molecules, I’m human like all the rest.

I’ve just been talking about edgy or uncomfortable things longer as a writer.

That’s how I know what the process is.

There is a process. You can go through the process.

Just breathe and know that you are not alone.

We are in this together.

Thank you again to everyone who has been supportive.

Thankful for every single donation even if it is a few dollars.

Thankful for every kind work of support or help to spread the word. It makes a big difference.

Read more or Donate to the 😻 event here