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Free Resource: July Tarot Reading ~ Know What to Do Next


Sofia-1070Whether you are a writer or creative entrepreneur, or just want a few tips on how to make the most out of your time and energy this month, a Tarot reading can help you always know what to do next.

If you are open to discovering the top themes of the week, with hints about what is happening this month, then enjoy this free video.

If you would like more clarity on your next steps and always know what to do next with a private tarot reading contact me here. I serve business professionals, writers, creators and others to help them to show up more comfortably in the world, and always know what to do next to make faster progress.

All my readings are empowering and ethical. For this reason I refuse to answer questions of a medical nature or around “should I break up with this person?” Career and creativity questions are my speciality! Feel at ease knowing you can receive spot on information you can trust, tested accurate by a third party. I’ve received several certifications as an accurate intuitive from multiple mentors.

I love providing shorter group readings for free on facebook because it’s helpful to know when to rest and when to really use your energy towards making faster progress. Tarot is one way I help people to do that.

Contact me here if you’d like to know what to do next because you have received a private Tarot reading.

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