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FAQS for the Summer Writing Group 2023

Someone needs what you have to say!

​Want your writing to flow as smoothly as a mermaid swims?

 Join The Summer Writing Group 

Question 1: Who is it for?

This group coaching program is for free spirits, mermaids-at heart, and entrepreneurs who want to

write for a book, website, emails, posts, articles, blogs, or video scripts so you can help people.

The goals of the writing group is to:

– Get clear on what to write, get into a flow writing or stay in the flow over the summer.

– Hone your writing so it has the power to move people and understand your key message.

– Use writing to step up as a leader and serve more people who need what you have to say.​

Question 2: Is there still space?

Answer: Enrollment is now closed.

Question 3: When does enrollment end?

Answer: Midnight EST June 13th 2023

or when all spots fill, whichever happens first.

Question 4: Can you offer me an extended plan for smaller monthly payments?

Answer: Yes!

You can now get full access to everything included in the Summer Writing Group for $79/month (6 payments)​

Question 5: When do the live classes start?

Answer: The first live meeting was June 1st at 2 PM EST.

If you’ve missed it, you can quickly catch up with the replay.

The program includes 7 classes teaching writing techniques and guided writing exercises.

After one hour, the session is open to Q & A.

There are also 3 Coworking sessions for connecting and writing together.

The full list of live sessions includes:

June 1 – Class 1
June 15 – Class 2
June 29 – Cowork
July 13 – Class 3
July 27 – Class 4
August 10 – Cowork
Aug 24 – Class 5
Sept 7 – Class 6
Sept 14 – Class 7

$1200 value

Question 6: What if I can’t make the live classes and meetings?

You will get the replays and transcripts.

PLUS you’ll have access to me to ask questions with voxer coaching for 6 months!

Includes editing feedback of up to one 2 page document per month.

Voxer is a free app where you can reach me with text and audio messages.

You’ll have access to a group to reach me through the week,

so you can watch the replay and share your responses or questions in the group when it is convenient to you.

And you can submit one document for editorial feedback each month.

Voxer coaching June 1st – November 30th 2023

$1500 value

Question 7: What other bonuses are included?

Answer: There are 3 bonuses, and

one bonus that is brand spanking new!


Instant access to the online Video Vault so you can enhance your writing at your own pace.

Includes Worksheets & 40+ videos on writing, creativity & productivity

$777 value


Organize your ideas, and projects in a simple way so you can get more done.

Everything is customizable! This template set is hosted via Notion software.

Includes Digital Template Set + Video Training

$122 value

Every dot, in this image above represents, an idea or a writing document! I use this application to produce high-quality writing consistently and organize everything I write. That way I can develop lots of different projects over time and never lose anything.

{I haven’t even gotten this on the sales page yet!}


– you have a LOT of ideas,

– you are a non-linear thinker or

– you’ve got lots of material that is starting to overwhelm you,

you’ll want this bonus.

Get early access to a new class that I will record later this summer on how I organize:

my business content, book drafts, journal entries, article ideas, and allllllll other writing.

This is my secret to the increase in productivity publishing lots of articles in the last year!

And did I mention this program is free?

This image above is what it looks like after 1 year of use, connecting inter-related ideas together in a web.

$222 value

Question 8: Where do I sign up?

Answer: Sign up below.

$470 one-time payment

$79/month payment plan (6 months)


See this page for more information about what’s included in The 6 Month Summer Writing Group.

P.S. This could be you soon!

“I have accomplished so much this summer, and I’ve been writing a lot of different things and having a lot of breakthroughs in the area of ease and flow. I’ve been putting a lot less pressure on myself around what I need to get done. It doesn’t need to be difficult. Thank you for this beautiful space.”

-Kate Burkett, Inner Beauty and Founder of Kate in Paradise

Hope this helps you decide if the group is right for you and

Join by June 13th 2023