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Face Your Writing Fears as a Service | Creative Values Pt. 3

It’s scary but worth it!

Authenticity. Vulnerability.

There are many ways to define what makes your writing or your words AUTHENTIC.

πŸ¦‹ For me, I just think about the opposite.

When I was growing up and I was so scared to be myself.

πŸŒͺ️ I was scared of being judged.

πŸŒͺ️ I was scared of being yelled at.

πŸŒͺ️ I was scared of being noticed at all.

I had gotten far too much negative attention.

It outweighed the risk of receiving anything positive.

 In an article recently  I said this acted like an electric fence, the thing they use for dogs–

When you get enough negative feedback, you start to avoid places where you might get a shock.

You keep avoiding areas and you don’t even notice if

🌷 the people around you have changed,

🌷 the world has changed,

🌷 where you live has changed.

Even if it’s safe now…

You are still avoiding shocks even if they really will never come.

But still you stay in your little box.

For me I had to stuff all my individuality in that box.

My creativity.

My passion.

My joy.

My silliness.


I have lived under the weight of fear in my life.

I know how it limited me and made me silent in certain ways that I did not enjoy.

πŸ¦‹ So I sought to lift that weight. That’s what authenticity is to me.

🌷 I found safe spaces to voice, question and probe the areas I was scared to talk about.

🌷 I did little experiments, telling stories, sharing thoughts within safe spaces.

🌷 And then I brought some of those stories and thoughts to the public in writing.

In each little experiment I found out if anything bad would happen.

Mostly it didn’t. Nothing was dire.

In doing all of this my life became more free.

And the thing that really became addictive for me:

πŸ¦‹ Not only did I become more free, but people said my writing empowered or inspired them.

That’s what got me so hooked, realizing that:


Since I discovered this, I couldn’t get enough.


It became a lifestyle for me to keep exploring and sharing my voice (with as much safety and intention as possible) even if it made my heart pitter patter.

Because I have done that over and over again,


🌷 friends I have created and maintained,

🌷 clients I have worked with (and love),

and so much more.

Writing was the way I got into being more authenticity.

I found it a lot easier to be vulnerable that way.

I’ve truly created a second family from being more myself in my writing.

So when I talk about authenticity,

πŸŒͺ️ I’m not talking about airing every single little THING that enters your mind.

πŸŒͺ️ I’m not saying you MUST tell everyone your biggest fears and insecurities or secrets.

πŸŒͺ️ I’m not demanding you publish every unfinished draft or “you are fake and superficial.”


The point is:

there are things you could be more open about that could change your life and someone else’s life.

And you get to determine specifically what those things are.

It doesn’t mean share about ALL THE THINGS.


Things that are worth opening up about because it’s a service to you and others.

Because it’s changed my life so much for the better, I love to help people

🌷 who have something inside of them that hasn’t come out yet,

🌷 who haven’t found the audience that loves your writing yet.

🌷 who want to get the writing for your book or business to the point where it feels good to share

And then keep writing, editing, and sharing it until you feel the reaction you are hoping for.

Because, yes, writing for yourself is amazing and necessary and part of this process.

But when you show up to be of service (and yourself) and


that’s how you will feel the love:

🏡️ the confirmation that you are safe,

🏡️ you belong, and

🏡️ you are NEEDED here.

“In keeping our vulnerabilities private, we never get the chance to know who else is out there, who else might understand or even be helped by whatever it is we’re holding back.

When someone chooses to lift the curtain on a perceived imperfection in her story, on a circumstance or condition that traditionally might be considered to be a weakness,

what she’s often actually revealing is the source code for her steadiness and strength.

And as we’ve seen plenty of times in our history, the strength of one resolute soul can become the strength of many.” – Michelle Obama, The Light We Carry

So don’t forget that being yourself & facing your fear can serve someone.

That is possible for you!!

Does writing make your heart go BOOM BOOM?

🏡️ Exploring how to tell a vulnerable story.

🏡️ Stepping into an area that makes you feel like a fraud .

🏡️ Expressing an opinion when you’re afraid people will say you are wrong.

It can make your heart pound or show up as:

πŸŒͺ️ Indecision

πŸŒͺ️ Not Knowing What to Do Next

πŸŒͺ️ Uncertainty

πŸŒͺ️ Confusion

πŸŒͺ️ Writers block

πŸŒͺ️ Procrastination

πŸŒͺ️ Stalling

πŸŒͺ️ Self doubt

πŸŒͺ️ Disquiet

πŸŒͺ️ Anxiety

πŸŒͺ️ Stomach aches

πŸŒͺ️ Absence of Peace

One important thing to keep in mind is that you can share your writing in stages.

I highly recommend finding a safe reader or a group where you can practice sharing.

First share your writing on a smaller scale, way before you share it with the world.

πŸ¦‹ Then you can improve your writing and get more comfortable sharing it.

When you are a writer or an entrepreneur in the beginning of a project,

🏡️ having a safe space can really help you launch a website, book or business offer with confidence.

I used safe spaces like this for many years.

πŸ¦‹ They gave me clarity about what I wanted to share, how to share it, &

the courage to press publish on my business ideas and my book.

And because I got SUPPORT to face my fears and smooth out those rough edges,

my life, my business, my relationships are all different now as a result.

🏡️ The Summer Writing Group can be that space for you to

get more comfortable writing and sharing about difficult things.

Not only does it include live classes with Q and A,

but it also includes a private group where

🌷 you can share one written piece per month (up to 2 pages) for editing and feedback from me and others in the group.

The Β Summer Writing GroupΒ  can be your safe space to share.

If you sign up, this group would be available for you for 6 months, June – November.

The Summer Writing Group opens for enrollment on Thursday!

May 25th 2023

There are already about 8 magical mermaids signed up from the last group.

There will be MAX 8 spots for new people to join.

If you are interested in joining, add yourself to the waitlist ASAP.

Due to the high value, low cost + limited spots,

The group has sold out the past 2 times.

The waitlist gets FIRST notice when the group opens Thursday.

Β Click here to join the waitlist for the Summer Writing GroupΒ .