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Embodiment & The Creative Process with Emily Nascimento | Writing as Transformational Leadership Ep. 1

Last week I began a series of 3 interviews on Writing as Transformational Leadership!

We had a great conversation with Emily Nascimento on

– embodied leadership,

– being your deepest self, &

– the creative process.

At one point she said, “leadership is creating the future through your service,” and it gave me chills, among many other things she shared!

Want to hear more?

The replay is up on the brand new Youtube Channel for Writing as Transformational Leadership!

(And as a bonus, at the end of this interview I tell you how to get the FREE Fun Email Hub, a class and list of resources to help you have more fun writing your emails.)

Watch the replay

About Embodied Leadership Coach Emily Nascimento:

Emily is a coach, facilitator and ceremonialist who exists at the intersection between psychospiritual development and leadership. Driven by a core belief that our most sacred contribution to the world is our embodied soul-expression, Emily helps people discover their calling so they can live and lead authentically while having a positive impact.

Emily leverages a multidimensional approach to working with clients; she brings her experience in somatic coaching, soul-purpose craft, and leader development to support her clients in bringing their aspirations, longings and vision to life.​

☀ Links for Emily Nascimento, Embodied Leadership Coach:

↳Visit my Website: https://wildeyescoaching.square.site/

↳Subscribe to Holding Threads on Substack: https://wildeyes.substack.com/

☀ Links for Sofia Wren Nitchie, Writing Coach, Teacher & Editor:

↳FREE  “Fun Email” Resource Hub

Write FUN emails that draw in the people you are here to serve. Get the software, templates, and tools Sofia Wren uses to make it fun and easy to email + a free mini-class for the inspiration, guidance & confidence to email more often.  

Click here to Access the Hub: https://sofia-wren.ck.page/457231788a

↳Want to write more for your book or business?

Step into the next level of being a leader by writing for your book or business.

-Learn how to tap into your inner genius,

-Know what to do next to write for your book or business &

-Serve the people you are here to serve,

with the upcoming Summer Writing Group

Explore Writing as Transformational Leadership in this 6-month high-touch writing container and group coaching program–without the high ticket price.

Spots are limited–and we’ve sold out the last two rounds.

Get on the waitlist for the Summer Writing Group for Business Mermaids to find out more.

Spots open mid-May 2023

Sign up for the waitlist here:
