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Could you use Better Boundaries?



If you need better boundaries could you do me a quick favor? I need some help, could you go to:  https://sofiawren.wufoo.com/forms/question/

In June I’ll be doing something I’ve never done before which is opening the doors to a new membership area for highly sensitive women to recharge in community called LilyPad.

Actually it’s more than a live group forum, it’s a whole in depth class. See the picture? Like it?


This weekend I’m headed to my college 5 year reunion–and I am reminded that I first started discovering the techniques of this course about four years ago after I broke down crying in my first full time job (middle school ugh). 

I have struggled with overwhelm, drain, and people pleasing. People and life in general just seemed to dump on me. I felt super scared all the time.

It was like people’s emotional crap rubbed off on me and I couldn’t hold onto who I was or how I wanted to feel. That’s why I’m committed to making this course awesome to help you if you need better boundaries.

**HOWEVER, I need your help. I don’t want to miss anything! Before I finish recording the videos for the course, I want to make sure the course has everything you want to know.**

That’s where you come in…please take a few minutes to answer this itsy tinsy survey. I want to make sure it will help you.

Could you help me out? It won’t take long. It’s only two little questions!

You can answer the questions here at this link:


Thank you!!!!!

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