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Bloom Your Productivity as a Writer | Creative Values Pt. 1

Focus on your values first

If you want to write or create, take note:

When you focus on different values, you do different things, & you get different results.

You want to write for a book or business.

Your creativity has been pushed around in the past, but you are ready to flourish like a beautiful flower. What helps you?

Another way to ask this…

What do you need to value so this process of writing for a book or business is less difficult,

and instead more easy, more fun, more beautiful, more awe-inspiring, more magic?

Key word: YOU

What helps YOU…

Rather than waiting for permission to bloom from outside of you….

Rather than applying tried-and-true systems someone else created…

Rather than beating yourself up for not being like someone else or that your writing process is different…

Try putting your Value on flowering from the inside out, listening to yourself–

Try seeing the ultimate authority of that process as being INSIDE of you–

Try treating your writing process as an experiment where you learn and grow all the time

Prioritize your inner experience.

That is a huge shift in values.

What you value will completely guide your creative process–it’s the kind of thing you don’t realize is important until you have a creative guide or mentor to show you things like this. I’m here to help you if you need to write for a book, business, or other cause.

My summer writing group is opening up this month, and I’m sharing lots of good stuff to consider here about writing up until the doors open.

The strongest part of the summer writing group’s lesson plan is to nourish you with creative-nurturing values to help you write, rather than crush your spirit under red marks from English class.

This shift in attitude will change your writing AND your life!

Get a taste by hanging out here with me on my blog for the rest of this series, or by being on my email list.

(BTW that email list is my absolute favorite place to share).

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