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Binge this Mini-Series for Writing Inspiration

I don’t know about you, but every weekend I find that it is super easy to fall into:

-social media scrolling for what felt like one minute, but was actually way longer or

-switching between so many options of what to watch that it takes more time to pick something than it would to watch it!

It can be tricky to find that perfect thing &

Watch something that will lift you up!

🦋 💜 🌿

This weekend, watch something that you’ll not only enjoy but that will enrich your life, your business, & your writing.

Turn on this playlist of the 3 interviews with 3 inspirational and FUN women.

3 sessions.

3 different aspect of writing and stepping up in a bigger way–

if you feel called to step up and write for a book or for your business, for articles, for your website, or for your email newsletter,

so you can reach the people you are here to serve–

try playing this mini-series while cooking or hanging out this weekend.

This isn’t English class and you don’t need to take notes, unless something speaks to you.

This is INSPIRATION. 🦋 💜 🌿