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Sofia-1016I am currently without a voice–getting over a cold. For the moment I am forgoing my usual video message.

But below is a special treat!

For the last year, every Full Moon I have recorded a special forecast for the month ahead with a special healing for my clients behind the scenes. I’ve come to enjoy these sessions and this month I felt called to share it with you as a special gift. This month the theme is Releasing, and there is a lot of insight into the current situation and what to expect in the weeks ahead.

Here’s your free forecast and healing to help you make faster progress this month!


From now on I will only be posting a few spiritual messages each month.

Below is the reading for the next two weeks to help you make faster progress, with some EXTRA insight just for you who get my emails.

This spiritual message is based on the Fool or Dreamer

There are a number of different ways to interpret this card. Overall you may not know a lot of things about what you are doing in the present moment and the future–that’s because you are starting a new cycle. And not just you but the whole world, these are big cosmic energies and they are reflected in our politics as well as our night skies as a number of old things close out and new things open.

It’s time to shuck off the past and take a step forward even if you don’t know what you are doing. In fact, if you feel like you don’t know what you are doing, that is probably a very good thing: it means that you don’t have a over reliance on the past ways of doing things. If you are truly starting in a new and fresh way (which totally in alignment right now) then you may feel embarrassed, foolish, unsure, and a little daunted.

You may feel like something is missing. There is–it’s like losing a particular kind of sense. There is something strange right now that makes you feel unsure but the good thing is that you have many other senses and now is a time to rely on those instead of whatever the old way was. It is time to try a new way of moving in the world.

Operate on trust and follow your passions. Trust yourself, even if you feel foolish. It is an excellent time to review your goals and where you want to go but ultimately you need to trust that deep down you know the right direction to go in even if it is weird or doesn’t make sense. If you feel called to do something that feels like a waste of time: do it. That’s the way to be! It might just be your inspiration talking, guiding you on a path that will lead you on a grand and spiritual direction.

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