A lot of people have a dream about writing a book one day when they have infinite time, or are on vacation, or are retired.
It’s a nice thought but I don’t buy it.
Firstly, I find the more time I have, the easier it is to put things off until later. You will still have time later right?
Relax! Have a marg. You can write this afternoon when you are rested. Or tomorrow to start fresh, or hey this week is filling up and you don’t want to be stressed, how about next Monday? Oops Monday you sleep in and have to race to go surfing while the waves are good. Or you are too sad that you are lonely and your life sucks.
There’s always something.
Whatever my current complaint is, I remember that in the past there was some other thing going on. I’d think, “When this settles down then I can put focus on my writing.” And then it settles and: There is always something else.
I try to remind myself of this so I can appreciate the present opportunity I have to just do it anyway!!! Writing is ultimately for ME. I feel good when I do it and I make my energy make with interest from being fulfilled by it.
That being said, if you are literally limiting a multitude of things from your life that you would normally say yes to because you are really that swamped…then yeah maybe you are really too busy. You have a reason.
But if you are managing to juggle everything else decently…you can probably find time to do stuff.
Unless you just have to admit…it’s not that you can’t right now. You just don’t want to. And that’s ok, too.
Just don’t lie to yourself.