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The Truth About Speaking up when it’s not easy


I really didn’t want to email this story out on Friday but at least 3 people told me they were glad I did.

I really don’t like sending multiple emails in a week, so it was difficult for me to take the plunge and share.

But I feel really passionately that I should so I did it.

It’s often hard for me to get my message out there– it always has been.

Listen- in my life it’s been HARD for me to speak up and say ANYTHING.

And if I can do it you can, too.


Seriously I was that girl with the long hair she was hiding behind in school,

only willing to raise her hand if she knew the right answer because it would suck to get it wrong.

Ok so I raised my hand a lot because I’m kind of a nerd BUT!

It it was anything creative or subjective or could possibly upset anyone,

you can bet I would keep it to myself.


I didn’t want anyone to make fun of me or dislike me.

It didn’t feel safe to express myself freely.


That’s why it’s such a big deal that I’m talking. 

Talking about spiritual stuff, Tarot card interpretations on facebook.

Letting people know about the Soul of what they are creating..

(BTW More on that soon, yes that Create Your Heart’s Desire video series is coming out

but I’m changing the name to Creative Soul: Make Faster Progress)


I’m singing my original songs on stage.

I’m working on my book (which is super personal and scary)

And it’s a big deal.


Today I’m going to share some of it with you!


People don’t always KNOW that it takes effort for me to share,

they just tell me I seem so authentic and real and I inspire them.

Some people KNOW and call me courageous–


We both know that courage is only present when there is fear.


Thursday at grad school (I’m studying in a program to give people spiritual guidance at Loyola)

We talked about how Prophets are people who speak words not their own (of the divine), 

and are often reluctant to take their role and share their message.


That’s me– super reluctant. I’d rather just be quiet and watch TV and not be mixed up in all this

scary spiritual-creative free bird business! It’s really hard!


I’m not complaining, it’s worth it.

I’m just saying I can probably relate to something you are going through if it’s hard.

AND I’ve gathered all these awesome tools to help make it easier.

So it’s possible for you, too.


If you have a message you want to share– I believe in you, that you can do it.

My awesome great aunt was commenting to me a few months ago—

“Transformation! I’ll say, Sofia you have undergone a huge transformation.

It doesn’t suprise at all that you can help someone else do that.

You’ve been through a lot and come a long way.”


What with the death of my mom at just three years old,

my evil step mom, getting bullied when I started getting popular,

it sucked growing up and for a long time after.


The fact that I am OK right now and have any semblence of confidence, is a miracle.

I’m proud of where I am because I had to work for it.

I had to decide what I wanted, and go for it. It wasn’t easy,

but that’s why you don’t have to do it alone. I can help.


So here are some ESSENTIAL questions to answer

so you can make that transformation that you want to see happen.


Ask yourself this:

1. What is the situation where I am stuck?

2. What is really happening right now? ie What’s it look like?

3. What’s the real reason why I am stuck? ie What’s the root?

4. What have I been resisting doing or seeing in this situation?

5. What actions do I need to take to get a Quantum Shift to transform this situation?


For me personally, self trust is huge.

It’s what I resisted and also what I need most to be able to speak when I feel the call,

send that email, make that video, post that blog, call that client,

write my book.


Since I really got clear on the answers to these question and put them into action over the weekend,

I got a huge transformation increasing my self trust– the root of the slag in my progress,

and I started working on my book more every day.

I’m making steady progress at a faster rate.

I also feel really good, inside and out.



I want to share an excerpt of my book with you below

But first I feel called to share these words sent to me this week:

“I had my reading with Sofia Wren today. It felt really sacred and perfect on the new moon!

I had been feeling agitated and stressed off and on for the last week and was looking for relief.

The amazing thing was that Sofia spoke to different aspects of my life that had been bothering me. She opened the door ways to insights that I had not seen clearly before.

She facilitated a shift in energy and gave me practical tools to take away and integrate. Emotions that had been stuck bubbled up and were able to be cleared. After my session I felt calmer and more inspired, I felt like I had a focused path to follow.

Thank you Sofia ❤ “

–Kate Burkett, Inner Beauty Expert at KateinParadise.com


Ok here it is!!

Excerpt from my Book

From Doormat to Dominance and Beyond: How to Become a Manifest Goddess

Coming soon in May 2016!

(this is super scary to share and vulnerable, hope you like this little peak!)

     I let everything fade away as the next metro car arrives. The door swings open and then closes automatically behind me. The valves release with a sigh that reminds me of space stations. Then the engine chugs a lullaby and I sit. Rocking with the motion, I stare at my fingertips, fascinated by the world of swirls, the tiny details that make me me.

    I pass the time, then looking up at the rough ceiling, the subtle stains of wear and tear. I think about all the worries and hopes and dreams of the people who have ever sat on the chair before me.

    It amazes me, it fills me with this feeling, and for a few minutes I am rocked not only by the traveling car, but by this realization of vastness. I forget my collar and its trappings, my fingertips and the mark of who I am. I am of the world, a part of it dropped like a bead of rain into the synthesis of all that is, every person one.

The divisions between everything melt away and so at last I feel a deep empathy for everyone in the room with me and not just my own pain. I feel the well that we are all swimming into, the ills of society and the cresting joys of just being here, alive and not alone in the beauty of creation. Imperfect as it is, still, completeness shrouds me as its priestess.


Now it’s Your Turn!

Do you have a message you want to share?

Want to make faster progress?

Would you like a Quantum Shift?

It is the last day.


If you would like to make faster progress on your creative project:

a book, a blog, a business, writing, videos

I’d like to help

so I opened up a special for this week only– 

I will only send one more little email reminder before it ends because I really don’t want to be a pest!

Just want to be helpful so if you aren’t going to check emails–

Reserve your spot right now so you don’t forget over the weekend. 


Have a good one


Sofia Wren


PS Here’s another inspiring story of someone who found courage and strength to share more of her message and make faster progress:

“I had the immense pleasure of working with Sofia when she read the Akashic Record for my business, which I didn’t know even existed and gleefully discovered in our session. Just prior to working with Sofia, I had been feeling disconnected with my vision and also felt heavy with burden, that I had to manifest all these business results myself with my two bare hands.

She showed me that I wasn’t alone. She facilitated communication and healing between my business and me, and helped me understand that my business has a life of its own that I can call upon for help and delegate to at any time. Who knew? I feel so, so relieved.

Her presence in our session sparked my heart to unravel its pain and in the days following, it helped me melt the rest of my resistance to what’s next in life.

The session with Sofia is accurate and informational yet emotionally healing, connective, restorative, clarifying, nurturing, …uplifting, …and joyful. Sofia, thank you so much for cradling me gently during one of my most challenging times. You are an angel.”

See more about the Quantum Shift special ending SUNDAY and get your message out there.