Writer, Writing Coach, Human:
Hi! My name is Sofia Wren.
Long story short: I’ve been through a lot including fear of failure.
I know what it’s like to go through hard things, and I hope we can connect as two humans.
And I also know it’s possible to do more than duck and cover. Despite how crazy life can be–I keep going forward and continue to face challenges that include:
- being my own best friend,
- writing for books and articles, and
- writing for businesses.
These are all ways for me to help myself, and be of service to others.
I serve by being human.
I serve through the power of my stories.
I serve by helping other people.
I am a writer who helps people write. I help people to write about their life and to serve others with books or business content.
Writing helps you feel the LOVE, from others and yourself. Writing will help you be a best friend to yourself. I want YOU to give yourself that gift of writing.
Because your story and ideas matter, too. There’s nothing more powerful than writing to spread your message.
The Beginning:
I didn’t think I was a writer. It was not always easy to be seen or be creative.
My childhood was full of traumatic events.
As a child, every mistake I made felt like dying, so I tried to hide. I avoided making waves or doing anything wrong.
But what I realized in my twenties:
I was giving up a huge part of my soul.
My creativity, my beauty, and ultimately–my magic.
Getting it Back Again:
Although I didn’t feel creative at all, secretly I really was.
I was hiding from bullies, remaining still like a grey rock.
Underneath the surface, I was ALL COLOR.
A girl who loved singing and making up stories.
But these days I was quiet. I had one special outlet:
Writing. I started blogging at age 10 in 1997. Only a few friends knew about it.
Ten years later, I wanted to reclaim the creative fire I’d given up. So I started writing more often in my private journal.
My journal was totally for my eyes only, whether it was written by hand or on my computer.
Writing there more consistently helped me heal.
It was a way to rediscover myself, and express who I really was. In essence, it helped me be my own best friend, and I needed that.
However, in my 20s I noticed that hiding everything I wrote was eating at me.
Am I happy living this way?
I got to a cross road where I had to ask myself:
Am I happy living this way?
-Am I willing to grow outside of the box and be more of myself on the outside?
-Even if it means that I might lose someone in my life or make them mad?
-Even if people judge me, my life experiences, or what I have to say?
Afraid of doing anything wrong, I felt trapped inside a tiny box, about to suffocate.
Finally the day came when I said, ‘No. I have to change’
Despite the fear, my soul desires a true, real and authentic life where I can be free to be who I am.
I decided that hiding was not the way. I can’t live trapped in a little box of fear.
I had to have courage. I HAD to if I really believed that my voice matters.
I had to lean into the scary things, because that is what change is all about.
I began to listen to my dreams.
Dreams of making art, writing, music, and beautiful things. I wanted to help people. I wanted to travel.
I wanted to start a business that would allow all of that.
And deciding to start my business was a key: it turned on my desire to BE SEEN:
Because I would never be able to achieve my dreams by staying hidden.
Marketing yourself is key.
Even though it almost paralyzed me with fear, I chose to put myself out there.
& to put more of my true self out there
Because I knew this is what I needed to life a full life, not a half-life.
And if I were courageous enough to stand up, I could probably help someone.
Showing up in public became my lifestyle:
In 2013, I began my business–and oh what a road it has been!
A 10+ year long journey to evolve in my career as writer, creator and entrepreneur.
I showed up at events to meet people in public, and I showed up online.
Showing up in a bigger way, especially with my writing, helped me a lot.
I built real connections and used writing to kept people updated about what I was doing,
This led to both to friends that made me feel good, and opened career opportunities.
I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but my writing led to success:
I was recruited to work as a copywriter on $10k marketing launches for different businesses.
I began ghostwriting books, and editing books for people.
I was a professional writer!
This had been a dream, but there was still something missing…
Japan: Adding Nuance and Maturity to Authenticity

The month I turned thirty, my dad had a heart attack.
That’s when I realized:
Something in my life felt off. Life is short.
I couldn’t let the years keep going by.
To find what was missing, I made a huge life change by moving to Japan.
In 2019-2021 I spent a lot of time living in isolation, abroad–
awake as the rest of my network slept,
It was difficult and lonely, but ultimately good for me….
Seeing the Other Side of the Coin
Alone in Japan, I had a lot of time to think about my life, my business, my writing, and why I was doing any of it.
I never would have reevaluated my goals and patterns in the hustle bustle of my life before.
Perhaps there is a place in my life for being in solitude, I realized.
I’d been so hooked into sharing my life fully on my blog and social media,
that I didn’t appreciate the FREEDOM of being alone in my own head.
Perhaps my true essence needs some room to breathe in privacy sometimes.
Perhaps life isn’t just about showing up for other people, what if I needed to show up just for myself more, too?
For the first time since I began blogging around 10, I began to examine my relationship with how I share myself online.
Slowly, I realized I’d gotten addicted to social media.
Am I brave enough to make up my own mind?
And not judge the value of my feelings and thoughts by how many people ‘like’ them online?
Wow, I guess this is what adulting feels like…

Japan was so challenging but I’m ever so grateful I went because that is where I met my husband!
We really had to fight to remain together, because we got separated because of Japan’s COVID travel ban.
Long story short, after being separated and enduring a long wait, we pulled a few crazy maneuvers…
and were finally reunited to start a life in America together.
Plot Twist

I’d thought as long as my husband and I could make it to America, we would be sublimely happy…
but there was one problem.
I had just gotten back from Japan in 2021 when my father got cancer, and shortly after died.
It was a dark night of the soul.
I lost my fire for life.
I needed a new reason and purpose.
I’d put a LOT of energy into my business and writing, it’s really not been easy…
Nothing felt good. I had no passion for anything. And why try get it back?
Maybe I’d just been trying to make my dad proud this whole time! Was that why I’d tried so hard in my business and writing for years?
That’s normal but now I needed a new reason to get out of bed.
In 2023 I decided to put my relationship with myself first and focus on being my own best friend, even if it meant slowing down my business or sharing less of myself.
And with time I realized:
Writing for me is not JUST about connecting.
It’s not JUST about being seen.
It’s not JUST about building a career.
It’s also about being my own best friend…
And making things that are beautiful.
It means meaningful to me.
I decide the meaning of my life, not experiences themselves, and not someone else.
The point of writing is to be there for MYSELF first.
And of course, when I take care of myself, I have more to give others…
Leading me right back to my writing for the world and my business…

My published writing is now about beauty and service.
The sweet spot where:
Writing feeds ME by connecting me to the love I can receive from others, and
Writing serves others, providing value or entertainment.
I call this writing to lead.

Now after 36 years on the planet, over 20+ of publishing writing online, and 10 years as a business owner, I think I’ve finally come to understand the balance.
I feel like I am at a new level of maturity as a writer, as a business owner, as a human.
And I am loving it.
My favorite piece of writing:
In 2022 I created this video about the lessons of my father’s first death anniversary.
Join me
I invite you to explore my current classes,
join my weekly FunLetter email newsletter, or
reach out to contact me about one on one work together.

As a writer and entrepreneur I am driven to lead and be of service:
To be a friend to others and a positive force in the world.
To help others experience the transformation that comes from writing, both for yourself or shared with others.
To help others use writing as a marketing tool to grow your own business, achieve your career dreams, and reach the clients you can help with your skills.
It’s all a way to be yourself, write, and feel the love that comes back to you.
I can help you write:
- For yourself and your healing
- Website bios
- Website pages
- Product & service descriptions
- Sales pages
- Nonfiction books
- Content, posts or blogs
- Articles
- Video scripts
- Email funnels
Contact me to get help writing for your life, your book, or your business.
Or if you enjoy my writing,
sign up below to get my free weekly FunLetter:
read my writing & get inspired to write yourself,
be your own best friend and run a business
– with free links to all my articles.
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