If you want to write more powerfully for your book or business,
join Sofia Wren’s Summer Writing Group,
an intimate group coaching program for the mermaid-at-heart
who wants to write nonfiction or business copy & content
so you can serve the people you are here to serve &
FEEL the love of the followers, clients, and fans your writing attracts.

The Summer Writing Group is now closed! The next round will open doors for enrollment in November 2023

– Know what to write next because you have clear vision and inspiration at every step
– Get more writing done because you can make important decisions to guide your book or business
– Make your writing effective & FEEL THE LOVE of your future friends, followers & clients.

This Summer’s Unique Theme:
Writing as Transformational Leadership
Connect to the change you are here to make in the world +
Serve others by writing for your book or business.
(Limited Spots Available)

Enrollment is now Closed

Contact Sofia Wren with all questions

“Sofia’s approach is unique and very effective.
I would gladly recommend her to any creative entrepreneurs seeking someone to help them gain clarity, focus and support.”
Keasha Lee Ince, Messaging Mentor

“Sofias techniques are awesome. For me she has cleared blocks that have been there for years. Ideas are flowing like crazy now.
No matter your artistic genre Sofia techniques are gonna get you producing.”
Paulette Robles, Author

“I have accomplished so much this summer, and I’ve been writing a lot of different things and having a lot of breakthroughs in the area of ease and flow.
I’ve been putting a lot less pressure on myself around what I need to get done. It doesn’t need to be difficult. Thank you for this beautiful space.”
Kate Burkett, Inner Beauty Coach and Founder of Kate in Paradise

Get inspired to write for:
your business,
your books,
your site,
your blog,
your social media,
your emails,
your launch,
your videos

This Slow Burn 6 Month Program Includes

Tailored to your needs, these 60-75 minute sessions include lessons and writing exercises so you can write for your book or business and be of greater service.
7 Classes includes live exercises + Q&A
3 Co-working sessions to write together
Replays and rough transcripts will be available.
$1200 value

Improve your product or service descriptions, blog posts, emails, and more.
Get editing feedback from Sofia Wren by submitting up to one 1-2 page document per month.
Shared in a private group in the free Voxer app for 6 months.
$300 value

Answer your questions about writing and step into your next level of leadership & service with texts and voice note communication between Sofia and the group members.
Shared in a private group in the free Voxer app for 6 months.
$1500 value

Instant access to the online Video Vault so you can enhance your writing at your own pace.
Includes Worksheets & 40+ videos on writing, creativity & productivity
$777 value

Organize your ideas, and projects in a simple way so you can get more done.
Everything is customizable! This template set is hosted via Notion software.
Includes Digital Template Set + Video Training
$122 value

– you have a LOT of ideas,
– you are a non-linear thinker or
– you’ve got lots of material that is starting to overwhelm you,
you’ll want this bonus.
Get early access to a new class this summer on how Sofia Wren organizes:
business content, book drafts, journal entries, article ideas, and allllllll other writing.
The secret to the increase in productivity publishing lots of articles in the last year!
Uses a free application.
$222 value

Behind the Scenes Walkthrough of the Bonuses

Total Value of This Program…
Get This 6 Month Program for Only
or 6 payments of $79/month
(Limited Spots Available)

Enrollment is now Closed
Contact Sofia Wren with all questions

“This class is making such a difference. I have never done anything like this at this level before.”
“Holy cannoli. Thank you, Sophia. I’m making the edits you suggested [on my class description]. Thank you for working it all out.
I so appreciate it, from the logistics to the hook. I can’t wait to use it and also adapt it for social media. Thank you.”
Monisha Mittal, Embodied Play Architect & Somatic Coach

“I could not figure out what was missing in my business. I knew I had all the information. I knew I had the skills.
I really pressured myself forward. And that put me into full stop mode and nothing worked anymore.
There was procrastination. I wasn’t fired up. There’s so much to do and it’s just frustrating. You have to do it, you should do it, but you just can’t seem to get yourself to do it.
Since joining the mermaid group, I’ve started to realize that you cannot force it, it’s not one straight line. It all comes together, it all flows together. I’m in the flow. It’s working.“
Uli Dieter, Health & Wellness Coach

“I was feeling feels and suddenly got the urge to blog again. I have seen a resurgence in my self-awareness and confidence on the days I commit to writing for myself.
But I do still get a great amount of joy in writing for and with others, and that has been lacking. I have to give a shoutout to Sofia helping me reclaim my writing.“
Asia Hoe

“Sofia Wren’s gentle and wise encouragement kept me writing. She makes accountability fun & brought me back to my love of writing.“
Tanya Levy, Heart Lady Artist & Author

You want to write for your book, business, website, emails, posts, or blogs,
and it’s important!
It keeps coming back to you as something you should do.

It matters because your writing could really help someone.
Someone needs what you have to say.
Your message. Your voice. Your business.
But first, you have to put it into the right words and get that writing done!

Maybe you need to be consistent and write a lot more.
Then you’ve got to polish it and share it so the world can hear.
All that can be pretty complicated but guess what?

You don’t have to figure it all out alone.

If you’re struggling to write and share
your book, your social media posts, your blog, your emails, your articles, your website or salespage…
You don’t have to figure it all out by yourself.

Even if you tried to get help with your writing in the past and
got put into a
“You HAVE to Say it like THIS & Do it like THIS” box.
The Summer Writing Group will free your talent!

Learning tools and tricks for writing is great, and
you ALREADY have the key inside of you to gain clarity and progress as a writer.
But like anyone else-you can forget where you put your key sometimes…
The Summer Writing Group is here to help you HEAR yourself on a deeper level.

Let go of the same old advice on
copywriting &
content marketing.


You are here to serve others and have it be a WIN WIN,
You already have the REAL juice you need inside.
You just have to tap into your inner mermaid.

You must go deeper to the places all your ideas come pouring out…
when life just feels divine
and you can feel a deep connection pouring through you.

You are here for a reason and that reason is to serve others.
When you do this, you will also receive in a greater way.
This is not just about writing. It’s about reaching the next level of who you are meant to be.
and to change lives.

Tap into the deep part of you, the wisdom of your inner mermaid,
and the change you are here to make in the world.
When you connect, you’ll always knows what to do next.
You can write in a fun and free way that moves people.

Make progress writing in a way that HONORS who you really are.
Embrace the courage to shine!

Sofia edited this book, above.
“I highly recommend this talented woman. This is a quote I texted Sofia the other day “Your work is amazing. I love what you’ve done for me and the book!”
Melissa Feick, Spiritual Teacher & International Bestseller

Course Outline
Class 1: Foundations
Get clear on what to write next by tapping into the change you are here to create and the leader you are here to be.
Class 2: Refine Your Writing Process
Learn techniques and systems to help you write with more ease and customize them to fit you.
Class 3: Refine your audience
Who are you writing to? Are they fully aligned with you? How to call in your soulmate readers, followers and clients with your writing.
Class 4: Work through uncertainty
What do you need to figure out next? Find the clarity, motivation and focus you seek, so you can write.
Class 5: Share your work
Don’t wait until your writing is perfect or you will always be waiting! How to know when it’s time to share.
Class 6: Feel More Satisfied
Learn how to celebrate your strengths as a unique writer so you can build on it for further success.
Class 7: A Surprise
Shhh. It’s a surprise!

BiWeekly Zoom Calls
June 1 – Class 1
June 15 – Class 2
June 29 – Cowork
July 13 – Class 3
July 27 – Class 4
August 10 – Cowork
Aug 24 – Class 5
Sept 7 – Class 6
Sept 14 – Class 7

Safe Space
By joining the Summer Writing Group, members agree to respect each other as equals.
Different nationalities, ethnicities, sexualities, abilities, view points and genders are welcome.
We tolerate differences, and share a desire to serve a greater purpose as a community.
As a coach Sofia Wren promises:
to respect your judgement and intuition about what is best for you and your work
to respect your timing as divine and not too ‘slow’
to honor the genius inside of you!

Hi! I’m Sofia.
I’ve been publishing writing online for over 20 years and began a business 10 years ago.
After I noticed my online following grow, I started my business.
Then as an entrepreneur, I did what I saw other people doing to market themselves.
For 50 hours a week, I posted everything I could think of on my blog and social media.

For a while, I heard was crickets. I didn’t make many sales.
That felt horrible!
I spent a lot of money on business coaching but for the longest time didn’t fit or work for me!
Later I realized the real issue:
I was trying to fit a box, a system to be successful.

With support and experimentation, I learned new techniques:
-how to get attention online so more people can consistently hear my message.
-how to write for business so people sign up and pay for things I offer.
-how to write and publish my own book, in addition to blogs, emails & articles!

But the most important key to write successfully, especially for business,
was learning how to LISTEN to myself better.
How to LISTEN to the best of me, my wise self, my inner mermaid.

Writing also helped with this.
Writing is not only a marketing tool, but a way to clearly know what to do or say.
Listening to myself and leveraging my intuition became my secret advantage,
even if it flew in the face of what other experts told me to do.
My writing was more powerfully of service and I made more money, too.

My new approach not only helped me attract clients I deeply adore,
but it helped me attract a crowd of people who really get me,
who boost me emotionally as well as support my small business.
Feeling that LOVE is worth a million dollars to me!

I’ve been leading writing groups since 2014.
I love to coach other people to write for their books and business so it FEELS GOOD to them.
You are unique so this isn’t about putting you into a box.

When you discover how to make writing feel good to you, it will flow more easily.
It’ll be even easier to reach the people you are here to serve.
And then YOU’LL be feeling the love, too.

That’s why I’m so obsessed with helping you tap into your inner mermaid.
My unique philosophy dovetails beautifully with my experience as
– copy and content writer for $10,000 marketing launches,
– editor for an Melissa Feick’s internationally bestselling book that has topped the Amazon charts for years running, and
– intuitive counselor with an M.A. in Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Care from Loyola MD.
Writing can be a part of achieving your deeper purpose.

There’s a balance between learning techniques and dancing to the beat of your own drum.
As long as you want to write nonfiction,
a bio page, book, email, blog, post, article, or sales page, for example,
I can help you find clarity on your next step!

I teach you writing like no one else, because I value your inner genius.
I value your intuition and unique creative voice, your inner mermaid.
Your slice of the divine.

I aim to empower you as a writer and creator above all.
I teach you to write by working with yourself, not scratching a red pen through your soul.
It saves time, it’s more satisfying, and it helps you create writing that you will be proud of for a long time to come.
Plus, you’ll become magnetic to people who get you!
Then you’ll be FEELING THE LOVE.

Let’s HAVE SOME FUN & Get it DONE!
Because, there is someone who needs what you have to say.

“The first hour of the class reminded me of how powerful and magical AF I used to feel when I was doing intuitive readings.
That sparkle faded away when I started diving into ‘business building’.
It was also so beautiful to witness Sofia’s energy when the women were sharing – I could feel the devotion, the appreciation, the love, the heartfelt connection…
So grateful for all that I’ve learned!”
Gaia, Rose Heart Alchemist + Relationship Guide

“I am a client (slayingthegiants) of Sofia’s and want to let you know that I have had Sofia write copy for me on a couple of campaigns now and I highly recommend her to anyone wanting to take there campaigns to the next level of success.
She is a wonderful woman with a great spirit and very awesome at what she does.”
Tom Ramsey, Entrepreneur & Best-selling author

What is a Business Mermaid?
It is not a requirement to be in business to join the group, but most of the group fits this description!
I define a Business Mermaid as someone who:
- likes water, being in the flow and having fun
- has a calling to serve others in a bigger way
- has services, ideas, skills, or things they create
- wants to offer those things to people in an exchange ($$) or a win-win way which will allow them to serve more joyfully

When does it start?
The 7 Live Group Sessions started June 1st. See the schedule above. You can get the replay of the first session when you sign up.
The voxer group will start as soon as you sign up and will be available until December 1st.
The vault lessons are available within 24 hours of purchase.

How many people will be in the group?
The exact size depends on how many people sign up in open enrollment.
There are already 8 people in the group, continuing from the previous writing group.
At launch of the enrollment period, 8 additional spots were made available, making the maximum size 16 people.

How much time do I need to dedicate to the class?
I recommend blocking off about 1 hour per week.
You can attend live or watch the replay of bi-weekly class. It lasts 1 hour. It’s optional to stay longer for Q & A or discussion.
During the weeks that there is no class, you can spend 1 hour to do your own writing, ask for feedback in the voxer group, and/or review bonus materials.

What if I can’t make the live class?
You can watch the class replays and ask your questions in the voxer group.
Even though you won’t be at the class live, you’ll still be able to receive coaching and feedback via voxer.

What if I want more private one on one support to work on my writing?
You can also sign up for live calls with Sofia, private coaching via voxer, or editing support.
You can save on private work with Sofia Wren when you bundle it with the Summer Writing Group.
Contact Sofia Wren to discuss your options.

How do I access the course?
After purchasing you will receive email instructions.
Within 24 hours you will be able to set up your course account and access your video hub.
You will also be instructed on how to access the voxer coaching group.

What if I’m not ready?
The next writing group is scheduled to begin in December.
Join the waitlist for the next live Writing Group to get first pick at a spot.
However, it’s possible that the support in this program could help you to feel ready!
You have 6 months to access the video vault, and the group voxer coaching.
The replays and transcripts of the 7 live classes are yours forever.

What if I have another question or I am not sure this is for me?
You can email questions or get on the phone with me–Sofia Wren
Click here to contact Sofia and discuss

“Sofia Wren is awesome! She had an amazing writing course that I got to take and it was OUTSTANDING.
I learned a lot, and (I’ve been writing since I was 12) and she gave so many helpful tips.
I really enjoyed so much of my time with her, she is an incredible person, it was a no judgement zone, and I write novels on the more… interesting side. So to see this kind of thing, it was amazing.
I don’t have enough words to describe this incredible human being!”
Lisa van der Wilt, Author, VA, and Multi-passionate Biz Owner

“The Sacred Writing Circle has been a safe container to extend my writing practice.
Sofia has a gift with prompts and she has an intuitive finger on the pulse of what is going on globally and she is able to draw that into the writing process in a way that is practical and useful.”
Dedra Murchison

After working with Sofia, I have began my rough draft and am moving in a positive direction.
When I feel a block, I hear Sofia say “perfection is not the beginning goal, just get something down on paper and you can work from there.”
I know that I can do it and I am doing it.
Heather McConnell, Intuitive

“Before I worked with Sofia I was trying to create a “program” but I wasn’t totally clear on what it would look like.
I was trying to force it into boxes. The way you described the creative soul energy around me felt very accurate.
I’ve allowed myself to share my business ideas with potential clients, which I might not have had the courage to do the week before.
Working with you helped me find the courage to act on my intuition.”
Allison S, Entrepreneur.

“Huge shout out to Sofia Wren Nitchie who listens to me ramble on and turns it into amazing copy!
I enjoy working with you so much! Thanks for your time, patience and mastery! Can’t wait to see all the copy on the updated Temple Xena website!”
Xena Estrella, Temple Xena Fitness Trainer + Mindset Coach

“Sofia Wren is a literary soul-angel that will inspire you to reach your dreams.
I had her read my personal statement for my graduate program at USC and was so grateful for her honest, accurate and insightful advice.
She challenged me to unravel my true self in my essay.
Thankfully, I took her advice and re-worked my essay to better reflect who I am and what I have accomplished.
I am now proud to be a Trojan! Thank you Sofia Wren!”
Morgan May Dickerson, Graduate Student

“I definitely am so so happy that I reached out to you.
Since we’ve talked, I’ve literally built an Instagram network, built a Tiktok network. I’ve been more comfortable with posting my things on LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Oh and my website, you’ve helped with that.
Just from April, when we started talking [three months ago], I’ve literally built an entire website and I have over 1000 followers on social media, which I like never thought that would happen.”
Kristina AKA Bean of SEL Corner, Entrepreneur

“You are awesome sofia. I have always loved to write and you brought back that love of writing.
Btw posted my ‘the future’ last free write this afternoon on instagram.
I was always nervous to show off my writing but I posted everything and even let family read the whole journal.”
Laura Sunshine Smith Brooks

(Limited Spots Available)
Enrollment is now Closed
Contact Sofia Wren with all questions