Deep Creative Impact

This service is being updated! Contact Sofia Wren to explore working together in the meantime.

For empaths and sensitive people who want to make faster progress writing and creating, so they can be out in the world more to connect with people who GET them and are ready to buy.

Make the vision for your life and business a reality!

Make your life a work of art and feel fully expressed.

Help more people and change the world.

Effortlessly attract clients from around the world who GET you and want to buy from you.

Be inspired, calm and grounded so you are always making progress.

Make money doing what you love and have more freedom.

Get a positive response as you show up in a bigger way, and connect to more and more people!

Feel the love: be appreciated with more positive feedback from your fans and clients.

Complete more tasks in your business. Get the book done. Launch the course or your new offer.

Fulfill your purpose to be of service to the world.

painting by Sofia Wren

When I came to you, I was feeling afraid to speak up. I was afraid to write openly and speak my truth.

I have been following your work for some time and it all connects so beautifully with me.

Wow. The process we worked with was amazing. Working directly with my fear. I felt like I made a connection with my fear. I made my fear my friend and it told me exactly what I needed to hear in order to move forward. It made it easier for me to connect with it on a deeper level.

After working with you I have been able to write a little more fluently and frequently. I have also been able to speak up as soon as I feel I need to!

To anyone thinking of hiring Sofia: Trust your gut feeling when you read, see, and hear Sofia’s work. You won’t be disappointed, she has a lot of heart in her work.
~Jenn, Florida


My name is Sofia Wren. Today I am a singer-songwriter, author, and entrepreneur. I never used to believe that I was creative but today I feel fully in tune with my True Voice and my Creative Power.

For years I kept my True Voice so hidden that I didn’t even really know what I had to say. In fact, I had a sense that if people knew everything going inside me–all the fears, all the feelings, and all the thoughts–that they would see that I am not good enough.

I was always afraid of doing things wrong or saying the wrong thing.

Who would have guessed I would one day publish a book called “Freedom Year: How Trying to Be a Dominatrix (and Failing) Changed my Life” about my real life experience?!

I almost didn’t publish it because I had bad experiences as a kid being different and I grew up afraid to be seen for anything besides getting straight As.

Being vulnerable and putting myself out there was hard because it seemed easy to get wrong.

That made it really hard to be creative enough to achieve my dreams and share writing, sing to an audience, or market myself through my business.

I feared doing anything that would make me look bad because then someone would stop being my friend, I would be fired and fail, or everyone would think I was weak, overly sensitive, mean, or a loser. I would be shunned. I would be broke. I would probably die somehow.

I didn’t really accept myself and by the time I was out of college I started to be more aware of this. I started to realize that the biggest thing standing in my way was myself.

Still, despite therapy and working on myself, I couldn’t get out of the loop of feeling bad about myself. I kept seeing other people mirror this message to me that I was not enough, and I was disappointing them: (ex)friends, bosses, lovers, all dumping on me.

I felt awful and blamed myself. Any mistake or criticism made me want to give up.

I thought what I needed to do was be in control in my life and fix all my mistakes, to make myself better. Then these things would not happen.

But luckily, my path led me to begin writing every day during my Freedom Year. That is the year that changed my life, which is why I wrote a whole book about it.

Writing started showing me the feelings and thoughts I was avoiding.

And that included dreams I wasn’t listening to. That’s when all of my potential as a creator started to really take form.

As I listened more and more to the inner voice that writing revealed to me, it led me to teachers of many kinds to help me achieve those dreams, including spiritual teachers.

I’ve now had the benefit of studying with mentors all over the world–changing my life completely.

It doesn’t matter that I spent the first 20 years of my life missing something, and feeling misunderstood and traumatized by my life circumstances.

I spent years studying Tarot, mythology, psychology, the Akashic Records, acupressure, EFT, massage, energy work, and Reiki wanting to heal myself and know what to do next. I found myself drawn to many healers and programs as I tried to build my career as a healer, writer, and entrepreneur. Then I got my master’s in Spiritual Direction from Loyola and it taught me about the ineffable.

When I turned 30 I still felt like I was not doing enough in my life. I found myself doing something new–listening to a quiet voice inside of me that said to change my entire life and go to Japan. That was my True Voice. I moved, broke off a 7 year relationship and followed this call to arrive in Japan 2 years later.

Alone in Japan I continued to follow the strange call of my True Voice–my intuition, the part that I haven’t learned from anyone else, although others taught me tools to access it.

Since spending a year alone in Japan, it has led me to many insights that brought me into deep connection with my True Voice. Now I have a deeper commitment to following my own direction, and make the right decisions for myself at every turn.

2020 hasn’t been easy for me, nor were most of the years in my life. I have had to overcome complex PTSD symptoms from childhood emotional abuse, loss, and all the intensity of my triggers this year. If I didn’t know how to hear my True Voice, I would have given up.

What got me through is that my True Voice connected me to something else: a more immediate access to my Creative Power. This keeps me strong when I am full of self-doubt, this helps me continue to shine and create no matter what else is happening.

With these 2 things, I am having amazing creative breakthroughs in the middle of a pandemic!

This year I’ve published a book, written another and am working on a third. My new song recorded with a producer will be out soon! I’ve released a whole menu of services on my website. I host monthly group events for my clients in the (new) Creative Vision in Action Community. I’ve done a month of shows every week on my (new) podcast “True Voice.” I’m posting blogposts and social media posts that speak deeply to my core teachings so they can be repurposed in the future.

What will you create when you are connected to your True Voice and Your Creative Power?

If you are interested in connecting to the True Voice and Creative Power inside of you for a Deep Creative Impact:

Contact me for a complimentary 30 minute Creative Discovery Session.

We can see if you are a fit for the Deep Creative Impact Program

Get clear on your dreams, what you would *really* like to create, and discover what is holding you back from being all of yourself today!

Contact me to get more information or request a free 30 minute Creative Discovery Session to see if a Deep Creative Impact is right for you.

The same inner voice that spiritual masters and creative geniuses have can be accessed inside of you.

I teach spiritual knowledge, healing tools combined the world of creativity and online business you know what to do next because you can hear your intuition and trust it.

Over the years I have had the blessing to work on a number of different projects including helping others create and sell ecourses, and best selling books. I’ve written the words for websites and marketing launches. I’ve personally done ghostwriting and editing for books, blogs, emails and course content. I’ve designed salespages for clients, and set up their freebies and email funnels. Meanwhile, I’ve written my own songs and books. I’ve made videos, podcasts, and blogs.

I’ve also helped with the emotional side of things–the brainstorming stage, the obstacles that come up during the process. I’ve helped clients with their vulnerability hangovers–that awful feeling of putting something out and worrying it is not good enough.

I can teach you:

  • tools to find creative and innovative solutions to whatever is happening
  • how to use different mediums to communicate and express your True Voice
  • how to always know what to do next because you are so connected to your intuition
  • how to overcome obstacles and have the strength to shine without faltering by connecting to your Creative Power

This will unleash your Creative Power so you can make the biggest Creative Impact as a writer, creator, or entrepreneur.

I accept myself the way I am now, and that light heals others!

Do you ever resist what you know you need to do in your life?

Or are you not sure what you need to do next?

It’s time for you to do what you were put here to do.

Pursue your dreams and create:

This is your opportunity to be your REAL self, not the self you think you have to become for someone else.

Embody your True Voice and unleash your Creative Power.

This is how you make a Deep Impact.

Maybe you have many passions or directions you can go in or you feel like you have to fit a certain little box to operate in the society you live in. All of that can make it feel so difficult to know what to do next.

But once you connect to your true voice, you can find so many of those answers so easily. 

Once you connect to your Creative Power you realize that it is your job to make yourself understood–shining brighter and being bolder is the answer to all your problems not hiding, procrastinating until things are just right or holding yourself back.

The Deep Creative Impact Program can help you figure out whether to juggle multiple projects or if you should focus on one at any time.

You’ll learn to express yourself in a way that is the real you. When you connect to your Voice and Power creating will feel more playful and fun, not stressful and boxed in.

Receive support every 2 days to know how to navigate your relationships, your dreams for career, creations, and your life.

If you can hear your intuition, you always know what to do, but it can be hard to hear it alone.

I want to serve the world and help more writers and creators to light up and feel alive.

You are the change-makers. You are here for a purpose.

You can create the light that we need, but you have to keep working your craft!

The book won’t write itself!

The song won’t sing itself!

The business won’t launch itself!

I’m here to support you to have the CREATIVE VISION and take the ACTION so you can feel the pride of your success!

For the Deepest Creative Impact, frequent check-ins are important. You must keep coming back to listen to your True Voice and your Creative Power, to know what your intuition will do next. This will make you strong.

No one else is like you! It is time for you to shine as a creator.

If you are interested in connecting to the True Voice and Creative Power inside of you for a Deep Creative Impact:

Contact me for a complimentary 30 minute Creative Discovery Session.

We can see if you are a fit for the Deep Creative Impact Program

Get clear on your dreams, what you would *really* like to create, and discover what is holding you back from being all of yourself today!

Contact me to request more information or a free 30 minute Creative Discovery Session to see if a Deep Creative Impact is right for you.

For a limited time, I am offering a discount on working with me for the Deepest Creative Impact, a private coaching program where I support you to have the CREATIVE VISION and take the ACTION so you can feel the pride of your success!

This deep level of support includes 1-1 support with virtual checkins up to every 2 days to keep you on track with everything you are creating in your life, through your writing or creating.

You’ll also get an hour of support monthly.

And 2 15-20 minute emergency calls should you need them each month.

After 8 months, you will be able to know what to do next in every area of your life and you will have made massive headway on the things that are really important to you. 

I’m looking for up to 2 people to get the program discounted as we approach 2021.

If you want to get an idea of what your life could look like when you are more deeply connected to your true voice and create power, let’s talk more so you can grab one of these spots and make next year a different kind of year.

You are a change-maker. You are here for a purpose.

If you are interested in connecting to the True Voice and Creative Power inside of you for a Deep Creative Impact:

Contact me for a complimentary 30 minute Creative Discovery Session.

We can see if you are a fit for the Deep Creative Impact Program

Get clear on your dreams, what you would *really* like to create, and discover what is holding you back from being all of yourself today!

Contact me for more information or to request a free 30 minute Creative Discovery Session to see if a Deep Creative Impact is right for you.